Everything that display in the body of every man got its information from the gene, when something is wrong in the gene, the body will reflect it and when there is any special ability in the gene, the body will express such ability too.
Our life is the product of our heart; the state of our heart becomes the instant state of our life.
Pr 18:12 ¶ Before destruction a man's heart is haught...
When the heart is desperately wicked, our life shall be haunted and harmed by wickedness: Before the flood killed the generation of Noah, the bible says their hearts was filled with wickedness (Gen 6).
When our heart is unforgiven, our life shall not experience mercy: Saul wasn’t forgiven by God because he was unforgiven even to his son when he erred (1 Sam. 14:42).
When our heart is bitter and sad, our life would be plagued with sad events and happenstances that would embitter us constantly: Jabez’s mum experienced such a terrible life because she wasn’t just bitter at heart; she named her son bitterness (1 chron. 4:9).
When our heart is hardened and doesn’t obey God’s word, things shall be hard for us (prov. 28:14, 13:15b).
Our life is not made by the abundance of what we have or don’t have but by the contents in our heart.
When God wants to weigh a man, He doesn’t check what he has around him, He check what he has and who he is inside his heart (Prov. 24:12).
When your heart is anxious, your life will be down to nothing (Prov. 12:25)
Whatsoever your heart can posses, your life has possessed it.
That’s why God gives us joy at salvation (something most people allow the devil to easily steal without much effort) because ones our heart is filled with joy our life will experience only joyful events and happenstances whether they be small or great events, it will excites us.
The devil is just there to water the evil plant, he doesn’t plant it, he makes you plant it (you plant evil seeds into your heart when you harden your heart against God, when you are unforgiven, when you are hateful, when you are stingy, when you bitter etc.) and God is there to water the good plant, He doesn’t plant it, you do.
If your life as a believer is plagued by evils and negativity, check if your heart still has the joy God placed there the day you became born again.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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