When I said to my friends, today I saw a bird trying to jump a fence they were all surprised. If am saying a fowl, it might make sense but a bird, it sounds so ridiculous. Someone said, maybe something happened to the bird and it lost its wings if not, birds won’t be struggling to jump over fence. That was the case, the bird had lost its feathers for whatsoever reason and fell down from its nest and now it’s trying to jump over a common fence it could had flew over if its wings are there.
In the realm of the spirits, the Christian got wings, and its when we lose our wings and refuse to make use of it that we see ourselves struggling to overcome what we would had simply flew over.
Isa 40:31 but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles...
There are two ways of living; either you live by the flesh or by the spirit. Living by the flesh is facing your challenges with your wisdom and by the advice of your carnal friends. If you live this way, you’ll be like that bird struggling to jump over a fence. You can live by the spirit (by faith) and fly over the challenge.
For e.g, two Christian may have a financial challenge, one starts saving to solve this challenge, the other starts sowing to solve the problem. The one that saves is like the bird struggling to jump the fence while the one who sows and expects harvest is like the eagle that flew over the fence.
When you do what God says you do concering the situation, you’ll automaticall mount of wings and fly over such situation.
For every woe on earth, God has a prescription in the scripture; you either do it the God way or the carnal way. Many Christian are solving their problems the carnal way that’s why they don’t advance in life, they struggle over same challenge over and over again.
Why not do it the faith way and fly over that mountain. If the problem has refused to go away, ask yourself, if you are handling it the faith way or the carnal way?
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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