On every birthday, I receive a birthday text from one of my banks, and during special holidays like Christmas Easter, and Independence days. These texts are their ways of endearing me to them by making me feel they are also interested in other aspect of my life that is non-bank related. Some other banks buy cakes to celebrate their customers and give them special preference cards just to show appreciation for banking with them. I have two different banks, three before, but I closed one, ignored the other and I'm very active with one just because of the relationship they are having with me that not bank related. To train the African child to build a great business, let him master the art of customer relationship. Attend their birthdays and any event thats special to them or send messages, call to know how they are, show that you care and really care. As you build a deeper relationships with them, you'll endear them to your products/services, and you won't be afraid of ...